since 2009, Fresh Focus Sports has produced independent sports documentary content. But, since 2020 they have entered the world of being a production company, offering our creative services now to clients across the world.
As our client, we sit-down with you , come up with a video plan that best fits your vision. Whether it be a feature documentary or even a branded spot for a sponsor , we will help you deliver an authentic, cinematic way to tell that story.
Every project listed below, fresh focus sports developed the creative, produced, filmed and edited from start to finish. We don’t just outsource our projects, we are the brains and skills behind everything you see.
KING CONGO: The jonathan kuminga story (Documentary)
In 2021 , fReSh fOcUs sPoRtS TeAmEd uP WiTh nBa dRaFt pRoSpEcT , jOnAtHaN KuMiNgA, tO TeLl hIs sToRy oF AcHiEvInG ThE AmErIcAn dReAm. In 2015, jOnAtHaN LeFt hIs fAmIlY In nAtIvE CoNgO To pUrSuE A DrEaM Of mAkInG It tO ThE NbA. 6 yEaRs lAtEr, jOnAtHaN ReAcHeD HiS DrEaM WhEn aDaM SiLvEr cAlLeD HiS NaMe, aS He wAs dRaFtEd #7tH To tHe gOlDeN StAtE WaRrIoRs. DrAfT WeEk iN NeW YoRk cItY WaS AlSo tHe fIrSt tImE JoNaThAn sAw hIs fAmIlY SiNcE LeAvInG ThE CoNgO, aN EmOtIoNaL ReUnIoN FoR JoNaThAn aNd hIs fAmIlY.
PURPOSE OVER DREAMS: AZ Compass Prep (Docuseries)
iN 2021 , wE LiNkEd uP WiTh tHe nO.1 tEaM In hIgH ScHoOl bAsKeTbAlL In tHe cOuNtRy, aZ CoMpAsS PrEp. wItH FiLm sTaRtInG In sEpTeMbEr aNd cOnClUdInG In aPrIl, tHe aMoUnT Of fOoTaGe aNd sToRyLiNeS WeRe mAsSiVe. ThE TeAm pLaYeD A SeAsOn oVeR 5 mOnThS AnD In 15 dIfFeReNt sTaTeS, a lArGe lOgIsTiCaL TaSk fOr aNy pRoDuCtIoN CoMpAnY.